Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of a wheelchair rental versus a Mobility Scooter Rental also known as an Electronic Convenience Vehicle (ECV).

A Wheelchair rental is typically $18-20 a day and can be rented from either a medical supply shop or pharmacy whereas a mobility scooter is rented from a company that specializes in mobility scooter rentals and pricing usually is about $25 per day.  While the cost is pro wheelchair, the mobility scooter rental pro is that the mobility scooter rental company delivers directly to your hotel and typically for a minimum 3 day rental, at no additional charge.

The mobility scooter rental definitely gets the pro when it comes to use-ability.  No one has to “push” and the rider has freedom and the power to go on their own making the additional cost of $5 a day, that’s only $35 for a week long vacation, a no-brainer.

Another important aspect is portability.  In the past, a wheelchair was the only option for fitting into a car or even sometimes on a bus or taking on a cruise however advancement in mobility scooter design and engineering has made portability, with the right mobility scooter rental selection, a breeze.  The best mobility scooter rentals are units that easily breakdown into 4-5 lightweight, manageable pieces or even better simply fold up for transport and fit into a compact size rental car trunk.

Overall, when weighing price, use-ability and portability the mobility scooter rental wins hands down.